From the EDs Desk - Support SB136

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There are many bills coming before our legislative leaders this year, however I would like to focus your attention on SB136. This bill would provide funding to offset uncompensated care for mental health services provided by our Community Mental Health Centers in New Hampshire. Uncompensated care is made up of several components including deductibles, coinsurance amounts not paid by members, monthly cost share amounts due by Medicaid members before their benefit pay (known as spend down), and write off amounts for critical services provided but not covered under Medicaid.

Some of you may be familiar with the fact that hospital uncompensated care in NH is federally funded through an initial tax to the hospitals then partially paid back. However, the Community Mental Health Centers are not part of this funding. Senate Bill 136 would help provide that funding and prevent more drastic actions such as, the elimination of services, the loss of staff, or the reduction of programing. Uncompensated care for the ten Community Mental Health Centers in NH exceeded $15M in FY 2024 and equates to 12% of their total Medicaid revenue. Funding this care is important for Fellowship Housing Opportunities as it helps our partners in the community and our shared clients for whom we provide affordable housing to.

Please encourage your legislators to support SB136 and help FHO preserve our mission of providing housing to individuals living with severe and persistent mental illness.

Click here to learn more about SB136 and how you can voice your support for the bill.

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