Other important organizations and resources for New Hampshire
Please visit their websites by clicking on their logos.
The New Hampshire Division of Behavioral Health promotes respect, recovery, and full community inclusion for people who experience a mental illness, an emotional disturbance, substance abuse problems and problems with addiction.
New Hampshire 211 is every citizen’s link to resources: to “get help, give help, discover options.” Dial 211 on a telephone or access the resource data base at www.211nh.org.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI-NH) is involved in on-going efforts to eradicate stigma and to help improve the lives of people with severe and persistent mental illnesses. NAMI-NH provides essential advocacy, research and support for families of people living with mental illness.
Concord Housing + Redevelopment ( CH+R ) helps individuals and families throughout the Greater Concord area achieve something that is not always achievable without a helping hand—a place to call home. Concord Housing Authority provides public housing for people with disabilities who have low incomes, as well as Housing Choice vouchers for selected applicants. www.concordha.com
The Granite United Way is committed to investing in the areas of the community with the most critical needs - education, income and health. By focusing on these investment initiatives, we are helping people in a new way; we are breaking negative cycles and tackling the root causes of problems to create lasting change. YOU can designate Fellowship Housing as an agency to support with your annual pledge to the Granite United Way!
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